Creating a billion dollars in revenue through relationship Capital!!
Kommerce Kings - E: 019
On this episode of the Kommerce Kings Podcast I talk to Jay Abraham as he shares some of his top secrets in creating massive amounts of revenue through relationship capital. Jay discusses three universal ways to grow a business, and for our advanced entrepreneurs; three advanced ways you can grow your business. Jay shares with us why any business has infinite resources and capabilities that can be utilized as business leverage. In this episode you will discover why I took on Jay as my personal business mentor for my two business, coaching and NGOA, and how Jay has influenced many creative ideas that we now implement.
How to use relationship capital to your companies benefit...
How to acquire a competitive business without any risk...
When you look at the way Jay Abraham break downs his most important factors in growing a business through relationship capital... it will blow you away! If you could ONLY take one important nugget from this podcast, I encourage you to find ways that your solution is someone else's problem and vis-versa. Like Jay said, there is no excuse for not implementing what is given in the podcast. Jay shares so many different ideas from beginners and leaders. and it couldn't be more true! One really awesome thing that has stuck with me, was when Jay said,"There aren't a million ways to grow your business, but there are a million techniques and tactics to grow your business. Start expanding on ventures you are currently working on and squeeze every cent you can before moving onto the next.